Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Planning Applications Consultation and Decision

This week, a planning application has been submitted by:
  • High Tor, Shilton Lane, Shilton - use of land as a private gypsy caravan site, comprising five pitches, hardstanding and amenity block.

Full details of the application (including site plans) can be viewed here. All comments on the application must be received by Rugby Borough Council by Thursday 3 February.

Rugby Borough Council has also reached the following decision on a planning application submitted in April last year:

  • Ashurst Farm, Wood Lane, Shilton - waiver of condition of previous planning permission to allow the dwelling house to be occupied by persons not connected to the farrier business - refused.

The full decision on this application can be viewed here.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year

Just a quick post to wish everybody who takes time out to come and read my blog a very happy New Year!

I'm continually amazed that people remain interested enough in what I'm writing about to come back month after month. For an ultra-local blog, principally about the goings-on in two small villages, the amount of people who log on to read my posts is always surprising.

The original purpose of the blog was to explain what I am doing as a local parish councillor, what Shilton Parish Council is up to, and to highlight wider political issues that might be of local interest. For the year ahead, I promise to try and get back to my target of at least one post a week (even if it does mean me spreading my choice of topics a little wider than just Shilton and Barnacle) in the continued pursuit of those original aims.

And a final word concerning everyone who's taken time to post a comment on the blog. I wish I had lots more comments from you all so that we could have some really interesting discussions, but special thanks to the handful of people who have taken the time to tell me, and everyone else, what they're thinking. In the spirit of open debate, I'm happy to confirm that every single comment submitted to me has been published unedited, and long will it remain so.

Here's to 2011!